Plurality of Beings, Oneness of Creator.Abstract
The plurality of creatures is sunnatullah in this universe. The plurality of creatures is a manifestation of Allah's omnipotence over His creation, and the grace that Allah SWT has sent down to His creatures. With the plurality of creatures that Allah SWT created, the lives of creatures become dynamic and not stagnant because these creatures compete with each other to do their best. The plurality of beings is a necessity. Diversity in creatures is something that is possible al-Manifest while the unity of God is something that must be al-Manifest. Whereas monotheism is the basic principle of divine religion, because every time Allah swt sends apostles, the mission of monotheism is always his message. The meaning of holding monotheism is not just faith or belief in Allah SWT, but also includes a correct understanding of who Allah SWT we believe in and how we behave towards Him and objects other than Allah SWT. Allah SWT is the regulator of all creatures, not only the Creator of this form, but also as the Regulator, His arrangement is the entrance for the protection and guidance for humans. Islamic teachings about humans as the caliph of Allah SWT and the teachings of the Divine Essence as the Ruler of the being created by Him.
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