Ulama's Attitude, Mutasayabihat Verse, Ulum Al-Quran.Abstract
The Musyabbihah from the Wahhabis often say that the meaning of istawâ with takwil istawlâ is the opinion of the Mu'tazilah, even though the Mu'tazilah are a misguided people as mutually agreed. So how can it be justified if the Ash'ariyyah-Maturidiyah take the opinion of the Mu'tazilah?". Starting from the statement of the Wahhabis above, the writer feels the need to study, prove and try to answer their statements and questions above with this paper; by analyzing and comparing the interpretation of Nawawî al-Bantanî; as representatives of Ash'ariyah-Maturidiyah and al-Zamakhsyarî; as a representative of the Mu'tazilah. In the process of analyzing the data, the writer uses descriptive-analytic-comparative method. In a descriptive way, it is intended to describe the views or interpretations of Nawawî al-Bantan and al-Zamakhsyarî on the mutasyâbihât verses in the al-Qur'an, analyze the interpretations of Nawawî al-Bantanî and al-Zamakhsyarî and then compare the two interpretations proportionally so that details will be obtained. answers or questions related to the subject matter. The findings obtained from the results of this study are that both Nawawî al-Bantanî and al-Zamakhsyarî both purify God from the characteristics of being like creatures, so that they consider the mutasyâbihât verses as part of mutasyâbihât verses that must be translated into a proper meaning for them. the holiness of God. And also in mentakwil mutasyâbihât verses both use the takwil tafsili method. Then, the difference between Nawawî al-Bantanî and al-Zamakhsyarî is only in the editorial form of the meaning of interpretation. There are the same, there are also many different editors of the meaning of the interpretation. And also sometimes Nawawî al-Bantan is more detailed in mentakwil, sometimes al-Zamakhsyarî is more detailed and even there are many verses that are not interpreted by al-Zamakhsyarî. Then, there is absolutely no problem in this case if al-Zamakhsyarî as a representative of the Mu'tazilah group equals Nawawî al-Bantanî as a representative of the Ash'ariyah-Maturidiyah group. Not everything that is believed by the Mu'tazilah is heresy or falsehood, as many Musyabbihah people from the Wahhabiyah group believe. Truth or falsehood is seen from the content of the statement, not the person or group who gave the statement.
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