
  • Zidni Alfani Rizkiyah Institut Agama Islam Bani Fattah Jombang, Indonesia
  • Dian Erwanto Institut Agama Islam Bani Fattah Jombang Indonesia


The choice of the theme of facade or in Indonesian means damage in this study departs from the reality that there has been a lot of damage in the environment around us in particular, and in all parts of the world in general. Both in the form of physical and non-physical damage. And the majority of scholars' refer to Q.S ar-Rum (30) verse 41 in the discussion of damage, because the text regarding the spread of damage on earth is summarized in Q.S ar-Rum (30) paragraph 41. Then to assist the research process this writer uses a type of literary research with tahlili approach or analysis that refers to the interpretation in the book of tafsir al-Mishbah by M. Quraish Shihab. This study seeks to review the meaning of lafadz fasa as a whole and comprehensively, also accompanied by an explanation of the division of fasaad, namely in the form of hissi facade or physical and meaningful or non-physical in nature, supplemented by examples. Then examine the contents of Q.S ar-Rum (30) verse 41 by grouping them into four sections which are considered to have a unified discussion and then summarized in one scheme. This research can at least provide some findings, including: 1) the meaning of lafadz fasaad and its examples, 2) offering a solution, namely al-islah which can be an endeavor to improve the world, 3) there is an impact or retribution as a result of acts of damage and accompanied by with some examples, 5) wisdom behind God's vengeance to the perpetrators of damage.


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How to Cite

Alfani Rizkiyah, Z. ., & Erwanto, D. . (2023). MENGHADAPI FENOMENA KERUSAKAN DI MUKA BUMI: (KAJIAN LAFADZ FASAD DALAM Q.S AR-RUM: 41). MUSHAF JOURNAL: Jurnal Ilmu Al Quran Dan Hadis, 3(2), 218–228. Retrieved from


