
  • Herni Herni Mahasiswi STAI Rasyidiyah Khalidiyah Amuntai Kalimantan Selatan, Indonesia
  • Helda Helda Mahasiswi STAI Rasyidiyah Khalidiyah Amuntai Kalimantan Selatan, Indonesia
  • Hayatun Nida Mahasiswi STAI Rasyidiyah Khalidiyah Amuntai Kalimantan Selatan, Indonesia


asbab annuzul, urgency of nuzul quran


Understanding the events of asbab an-nuzul is aimed at better understanding the verses of the Qur'an with reliable sources without the slightest doubt, because this asbab annuzul also the scholars make a reference and even exist in its preparation in a special way, because they think So important is the story of asbab an-nuzul itself, so with that we as Muslims must also know how the story of asbab an-nuzul itself is without having doubts about learning and teaching it to students.


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How to Cite

Herni, H., Helda, H., & Nida, H. . (2022). MEMAHAMI MAKNA DAN URGENSI ASBAB ANNUZUL QURAN. MUSHAF JOURNAL: Jurnal Ilmu Al Quran Dan Hadis, 2(2), 159–168. Retrieved from


